The batlab is part of the Department Evolutionary Ecology at the Leibniz-IZW ( We are contributing to the institute's mission by doing "Research for Wildlife Conservation".
The IZW batlab of Prof Dr Christian Voigt consists of about 10 people, including postdocs, PhD student, master students and scientific and technical staff.
We are not only doing top-end research for the conservation of wildlife species, we also work hard to communicate our findings to relevant stakeholders and the general public.
Please see below a list of current activities or outlets:
Using miniaturized GPS units we tracked the movements of common noctule bats at the Northsea coastline in Germany. We observed bats to avoid wind turbines over distances of several kilometers, suggesting that bats loose hunting areas when wind turbines are established. If bats approached wind turbines, they did so more often when turbines were located near farmhouses, waterbodies and daytime roosts. Thus, we suggest to avoid erecting wind turbines in proximity to these landscape elements.
Reusch et al. (2022) Coastal onshore wind turbines lead to habitat loss for bats in Northern Germany. Journal of Environmental Management. 310: 114715
With the help of 200 citizen scientists, Daniel Lewanzik and team found four ways to turn cities bat-friendly: 1) switch off light, 2) plant parks, 3) create ponds, and 4) connect habitats. Check out the paper at
Watch our video clip on juvenile and female Nathusius' pipistrelles being vulnerable at wind turbines
See our latest animated movie about our recent paper
See our youtube video about our research on migratory bats in Latvia
Zeitpunkt: 15. April 2021 (ganztägig, deutsch)
Die Registrierung wird Anfang Dezember 2020 auf der Web page der Leibniz-IZW Akademie geöffnet
Zielpublikum: Behördenvertreter*innen, Vertreter*innen der Windenergieindustrie, Gutachter*innen, Vertreter*innen von Naturschutzverbänden, Wissenschaftler*innen, interessierte Laien
English full-day webinar early 2021 on 'Bat conservation and light pollution' (Lecturers PD Dr. Christian Voigt, IZW, and PD Dr. Franz Hölker, IGB), registration will open in December on the Leibniz-IZW academy web page, see
For members of authorities, consultants, scientists, members of NGOs and interested laymen
Ganztägiges Webinar am 26.11.2020: Fledermausschutz und Lichtverschmutzung (Vortragende: PD Dr. Christian Voigt, IZW, und PD Dr. Franz Hölker, IGB), bitte registrieren sie sich über die Leibniz-IZW Akademie unter
Zielpublikum: Behördenvertreter*innen, Gutachter*innen, Beleuchtungsexpert*innen, Wissenschaftler*innen, Vertreter*innen von Naturschutzverbänden, interessierte Laien
Schroer, S., Weiß, N.-S., Grubisic, M.,Manfrin, A., van Grunsven, R.H.A., Storms, M., Berger, A., Voigt, C.C., Klenke, R., Hölker, F. (2020) Analyse der Auswirkungen künstlichen Lichts auf die Biodiversität - Bestimmung von Indikatoren für die Beeinträchtigung und Ablteiung von Handlumgsempfehlungen zur Vermeidung negativer Effekte im Rahmen von Eingriffen. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt, Heft 168. Bonn-Bad
Can be orderd via the UNEP/EUROBATS secretariat
Bitte im UNEP/EUROBATS Sekretariat bestellen:
Online conference
When: 24.-26. March 2021
Thank you for attending the 6th IBBM
When: 14.-18.9.2020
Where: Berlin, Germany
Thank you for attending the 4th International Summer School
This e-book is available under:
The book is a compilation of concept, review and original articles about the bat-wind energy conflict; a pressing green-green dilemma that is yet unsolved. Articles are in German, yet the summary and figure legends are bilingual (both German and English). All articles were rigorously evaluated in a peer-review system.
Die deutschsprachige Version der Handlungsempfehlungen, welche unter Leitung von Christian Voigt vom UNEP/EUROBATS Expertengremiums bereits auf Englisch publiziert wurde, ist nun auf Deutsch erschienen. Das frei verfügbar Buch kann unter heruntergeladen werden oder im UNEP/EUROBATS office unter bestellt werden.
Eine frei verfügbare Version befindet sich auch HIER:
These guidelines were formulated by an UNEP/EUROBATS expert group led by Christian Voigt. The guidelines can be downloaded at or a hardcopy can be ordered from the office
This e-book reviews the current knowledge on why many bats are threatened worldwide and how to protect bats in a rapidly changing world. Bats comprise more than 1.400 species, are relevant ecosystem service providers, yet many species are at risk. This book is a key publication for bat experts, conservationists and students.
This book has been downloaded more than 400.000 times from the Springer platform at:
The e-book can also be downloaded here: